What is social media marketing

Wikipedia describes "Social Media" as media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques.  Social media is the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.  Okay, what does that mean for you the client.  Well imagine trying to sell your home without the internet.  Now imagine trying to sell or buy a home without email or a fax or how about a cell phone?  It wasn't that long ago that these conveniences of life were not available to REALTORS.  Stopping by a pay phone with a roll of dimes was the norm.... yes dimes!  Well as we move forward in our constant evolution of technology and how we communicate, we are quickly realizing that the internet was just the tip of the iceberg and only scratching the surface of Social Media.  The advent of communication platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Vimeo, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat and others have revolutionized the way we communicate.  This social media craze will soon not be a craze at all and will become a fundamental way we interact with each other, not only on a social level but on a business level as well.


how we approach social media

We here at Merrill & Associates Real Estate not only realize this shift but we actually predicted it, embrace it, and more importantly EMPOWER IT!  We have spent the last decade plus arming ourselves with the latest technology and information when it comes to advertising our clients homes and providing solutions to our clients.  We take our Social Media Advertising and our Marketing VERY seriously.  We employ a full time professional Marketing Director and Social Media coordinator with over 20 years of Sales and Marketing Experience to help our Agents and their Clients with the latest in "state of the art" Advertising, Internet exposure, Social Media, Syndication and Web design.  We integrate multiple Social Media Platforms into our advertising and promotion of our listings.  We don't just have a personal Facebook page and call ourselves Social Media Experts.  We have a Multi-faceted Social Media marketing campaign that we offer our clients.   Our Online and Social Media coverage is one of the best in SLO County and we look forward to working with new clients and exposing them to the wonderful new world of Real Estate Social Media Marketing.


If you don’t believe social media can make a difference in selling your home then watch this!